Friday, April 29, 2011

In a New York minute

I finally realized after reading and reading blogs and seeing awesome things that people are doing, looking at fun new things to do to my house, and reading amazing stories about people and their families. That hey! I have a pretty amazing family, I do pretty fun things to my house and I NEVER blog. I forgot I even had the tiny amount that I started in 2007. It is now 2011 and my life couldnt be on a faster path. I not only have my beautiful 5 year old Madden J but, I now have a adorable little 16 month old that is the sweetest thing ever named Roman Wilson. Not only do these boys keep me extremely busy but, so does this giant thing growing in my stomach, which gets bigger everday and that would be my soon to be only lil girl Scarlett Jade. I feel so blessed my Father in Heaven has given me what I have always wanted two boys and a girl. I grew up in a pretty amazing family and I would have to say having to amazing brothers was a big part of it so Scarlett will get that blessing too. However, I do feel bad because she will have a crazy daddy who will scare some people something fierce :) Could be a good thing!?
Madden J is my sports guy. He is so determined and is a very competitive little guy who hates losing. I see myself so much in him especially when it comes to sports. He is playing T-ball right now and it is so much fun to watch him. He is a excellent listener and wants to always know what he can do to get better. He is such a little guy he is 6% for his age but, man he has a arm on him. Madden is getting so old, things are not cool anymore movies, books, and me :( lol. It was only a matter of time. He is a go go go boy and likes to do things non stop. He is really into the X-men especially Wolverine. He also loves anything Marvel including Hulk and Thor. So if you see a sword I would run he will try and hit you with it.
Roman is my sensitive guy but, mostly just to mommy and daddy and brotha. However, he has a bit of fire in him. He is the sweetest lil thing and melts my heart. He constantly gives mommy kisses and hugs and thinks his older brother is perfect. Madden is a amazing older brother and plays with him non stop. I have never been around a one year old who is such a excellent sword fighter his master taught him well ;) Roman loves everything Madden loves cars, balls, swords, and the x-men. He loves to lay his head on your shoulder and snuggle and he is absolutely hilarious and is just a goof ball. He looks so much like Justin as a baby it amazes me. However, I can see Madden in him so much.
So other than my beautiful children we have moved 6 times since 2007. And we are about to move again. However, this time we are not leaving for awhile (dont hold me to that). We will be taking our move to Oregon City, Oregon and will be leaving in close proximity to one of my closest friends which just happens to be my sister in law.
I will try harder to keep things posted and all my fun projects I do around the house and all my fun garage sale treasures that I make into my things :)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas 2007


We are wishing everyone a Merry Christmas this year! We love everyone very much and remember this year its about love not the presents!

Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind; Teach us to be patient and always to be kind. - Helen Steiner Rice

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. - Calvin Coolidge

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. - Peg Bracken.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Madden J

Madden J turns 2 tommorow! At 11:36! I keep thinking that right now I was being admitted to the hospital at St. Johns in Longview, Washington. He was due December 5th and he was not wanting to come out! The finally went into labor December 16th at midnight and had him Saturday early afternoon. He was a beautiful healthy baby boy at 8lbs 13oz 23 inches long. He was so beautiful with dark brown hair and his lil pug nose! Everyday I count my blessings for God to give me such a beautiful healthy baby boy, he is the light of my life.
Today we had a birthday party for him at the house. We had a Hot Wheels party with lots of cars! He finally understands opening presents and gets so excited! Maddens favorite things to do is watch movies in bed, and play with cars and balls. Right now he is going through a shoe phase (hopefully a phase) he likes to try on different shoes and walk around the house in them! Including my high heels!!! (Scary!! lol) He is such a cute lil guy he has really long strawberry blonde hair that is in ringlets!
I cannot believe he is 2. Everyone tells you the time flies by and it sure does. Too fast.

The Wickizers

Justin and I got married May 19th 2007, in a beautiful Villa on the Columbia River. Our wedding was exactly how I pictured lots of candles and red roses!!! :) We had our friends and family with us, and it was beautiful! After the ceremony we had a bon-fire on the beach with our close friends. In the morning we set out on our road trip to Victoria!